Input / Output

Input from the user and output to the user are the basics of most computer programs. We call this Basic IO.

Text-Driven Input

Your program will take input from the user in the form of typed answers, or text. This is the simplest method of gathering input from the user. Some languages allow input on the command-line or wait for the user to type a response, some do both. This is text-based input where the user utilizes the keyboard to enter data.

Javascript utilizes the prompt() command for this (not available in Node.js).

Event-Driven Input

User input can also be collected with the click of a mouse, a voice command, or a selection from options. We call these actions Events. Essentially, your program "listens" for events and when one happens, it reacts accordingly.

Later in the course, if we progress well enough, we can learn how to deal with a user clicking a button or selecting something on a webpage. This would take us away from the console and allow us to develop a front-end or graphical user interface (GUI). Hopefully more on that later.

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