Coding Conventions (Rules)
Every programming language, development environment, business, and person has their own opinion of how to write readable code. Without a set of rules, reading your colleague's code would be difficult. It is important to make code easy to read because someone else might need to use or improve it - and that's ok!
Most programmers have very specific rules for code style. Ours are simple:
Variable and Function names will be meaningful and complete.
Variable and Function names will only start with lowercase letters.
Variables and Functions will be named using camelCase.
Constants are written in all UPPERCASE letters.
You will put spaces after commas, and around operators (
+ - * /
).Always use 2 or 4 spaces to indent code blocks (our default is 2) (tabs are interpreted differently, depending on the text editor). Example:
function toCelsius(fahrenheit) { return (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32); }
Always end single lines of code with a semicolon;
Place opening brackets at the end of the current line, preceded by a single space.
Closing brackets are placed on their own line without leading spaces.
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Opening bracket x += i; } // Closing bracket
Hyphens are not permitted in names, use underscore instead.
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